What is Off-Page SEO?

If you’re not utilizing on-page and off-page SEO techniques, you’re missing out on valuable ways to improve your search rankings. You’re likely already using on-page tactics such as quality content, relevant keywords, internal links, and optimized title tags, but do you know what off-page SEO is or why it’s essential for your overall marketing efforts and strategy? 

Off-page SEO is a type of search engine optimization using actions that take place off of your website to improve your search rankings. These tactics include backlinks, social media marketing, content marketing, local SEO, and more. Search engines use this facet of SEO to look at your domain authority and determine your site’s legitimacy and trustworthiness.

The purpose of this is to improve your SERP ranking through other people sharing your content, linking back to your website, or talking about your business or brand online in general. While on-page SEO methods are for search engines, these methods are more for users and help search engines learn what others think about your business and brand.

on-page vs off-page seo

Types of Off-Page SEO


Backlinks are a common off-page SEO technique that involves other sources linking back to your site, and there are a few different ways of obtaining backlinks for your website. You can get these links naturally, which is ideal because you are viewed as an industry authority, and people link back to your website or share your page willingly. 

Another way to build links is by sourcing them through requesting customers to share your page or partner with influencers or other businesses to gain backlinks from them sharing your links directly on their website. 

There are other ways to gain links, such as buying links or creating the backlink yourself on websites such as forums or directories. However, these practices are typically harmful to your strategy because search engines consider them to be shady tactics.  

Local SEO

Local SEO is used when a business wants to attract more business from local searches. Using this tactic, you need to optimize your pages for specific local searches related to your business and the area you are located in (e.g., SEO Services in Oak Brook).

By using services like Google My Business, Bing Places, and Yelp, you can let people within your local area know your business exists, the location, operating hours, and services or products offered.

These services also allow people to leave reviews regarding your business, which helps with social confirmation on the quality of your business and customer service. Reviews are especially important for local SEO because they help influence a buyer’s decision.

Content Marketing

Content marketing such as infographics and videos is an easy way to share content and visually educate your customers. High-quality visual content that provides value to your customer is also more likely to be shared by them as well. 

Infographics are also easily shareable on other websites as well. If businesses find the information valuable, they might share it within a case study or blog on their website, which creates a natural backlink to your website when they credit your business as being the source.

Like infographics, a good-quality video will be viewed by many people. If you’re creating regular video content, you cant set up a YouTube account for your business and include a link to your website in your profile to direct traffic back to your website.

Guest Blogs

Guest blogging is when you partner with another site or business and write a blog for their website. You can typically link back to your website directly in the blog or in the author bio, which creates another backlink for you. 

This is an effective form of off-page SEO because it creates a backlink, demonstrates your industry expertise, and helps build your reputation.

Social Media Marketing

Social media allows you to connect and engage directly with your followers and increase the reach of your business.

You can include your business website in your social profiles, allowing people interested in what you have to offer to go to your website with one click from social media. You can also link to specific pages on your website in the content your share on social media, which will also help direct traffic back to your website. 

When people visit your website from social media pages, it tells search engines people are actively interested in your content and website.

Create Your SEO Strategy Today

Off-page SEO is just as important as on-page SEO, but you need both to develop an effective strategy that increases your site rankings and visibility. You may be tempted to take shortcuts to increase your rankings faster using black hat techniques. Still, it’s essential to avoid these tactics because they negatively impact your search engine optimization efforts and business in the long run.

Quality SEO requires time and effort. If you don’t have the time or knowledge to execute a well-thought-out strategy, we can help. Contact us today to discuss your business and search engine optimization needs.

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