Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Over recent months, especially since the emergence of ChatGPT, there has been a lot of hype and concern around artificial intelligence and what it could do to the future of certain jobs.

There are multiple different kinds of artificial intelligence that we’ll dive into during this blog, but for now, we’re going to focus on the role of AI in digital marketing.

Digital marketing has always been about using data to create better campaigns, improve customer experiences, and drive sales. But with the rise of AI, these processes are becoming more efficient, effective, and powerful than ever before.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence blends computer science with extensive datasets to aid problem-solving. It involves various subfields, such as machine learning and deep learning, which are commonly associated with AI. These areas comprise algorithms designed to construct expert systems capable of predicting or classifying data inputs.

How can artificial intelligence help in marketing?

There are multiple different ways in which AI can help you with your digital marketing. Here are some of the most common ways it is currently being used:


AI can analyze large amounts of customer data to create personalized experiences, such as targeted ads and customized email campaigns. By understanding customer behavior, AI can suggest relevant products, services, and content that customers are likely to be interested in, leading to higher engagement and conversions.


Chatbots are a widespread application of AI in digital marketing. They are used to automate customer service and support, allowing businesses to provide round-the-clock assistance to their customers. Chatbots can also be used for lead generation and sales by engaging with potential customers and guiding them through the sales funnel.

Predictive Analytics

AI can help businesses predict customer behavior, such as which products they are likely to buy and when they are likely to make a purchase. This information can be used to optimize marketing campaigns and improve customer experiences, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue.

Generative AI

AI can be used to create unique and personalized content, such as product descriptions and email subject lines. This can save businesses time and resources while providing high-quality content to their customers. AI-powered tools can analyze data to determine the most effective language, tone, and style for specific audiences, leading to better engagement and higher conversion rates.

Social Media Marketing

You can use AI to analyze social media metrics to provide insight into customer preferences, behaviors, and opinions. This information can be used to create more targeted and effective social media campaigns, leading to higher engagement and better ROI.

Current trending artificial intelligence tools:


Funnily enough, if you ask ChatGPT what it is, this is what you get:

“I am ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI. I am designed to understand natural language and generate human-like responses to various questions and prompts. I am not a human, but rather an artificial intelligence program running on computer servers.”

ChatGPT comes under generative AI, which is extremely helpful to creators for assisting with ideas and being more specific when it comes to trying to target the right customers.

Jasper is another generative AI that aids in the writing of content and helps speed up the process.

It can be used to write or help with blog posts, Instagram descriptions, LinkedIn posts, or scripts for your latest YouTube or TikTok video.


Text-to-speech has been around since the early days of Microsoft Sam, although Murf takes it to the next level with their AI voice generator.

It can take any input and convert it into a lifelike voice that can be used for videos or audio guides.

The Benefits of AI

AI can help speed up a lot of processes and give excellent assistance in various industries. Here are some additional benefits of AI:

Improved accuracy and efficiency: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data at a much faster pace than humans. This can lead to better accuracy and efficiency in tasks such as data analysis, financial forecasting, and medical diagnoses.

Personalization: AI can be used to personalize experiences for individuals based on their preferences and behavior patterns. For example, online retailers can use AI to recommend products to customers based on their past purchases and browsing history.

Cost savings: AI can automate many processes that are currently performed by humans, which can lead to significant cost savings for businesses. For example, customer service chatbots can handle many inquiries without the need for human intervention.

The Downside of AI

AI is still mostly in its infancy, so a lot of the tools can produce either really good results or really bad results.

AI also can’t think outside the box. It is only capable of producing what you ask it to.

Additionally, the information it uses can be false or outdated. For example, ChatGPT can currently only use information up to 2021.

It’s no secret that AI has changed the game in digital marketing through its powerful tools that allow businesses to analyze customer data, personalize experiences, automate tasks, and optimize campaigns. 

While there are concerns about the impact of AI on certain jobs, there is no doubt that AI is transforming how businesses operate and interact with their customers.

If you’re interested in learning more about incorporating AI into your digital marketing strategy or leveraging digital marketing to grow your business, let’s chat. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for our latest digital marketing news, tips, and tricks.

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