Does Your Business Need a Website?

why your business needs a website

Yes, is the short answer. So much happens online these days that any company without a website will get lost in the shuffle. Having a website is especially important if you’re a newer company in the Chicagoland area or a small- or medium-sized business that needs to make an impression, earn more leads, and increase sales.

5 Reasons You Need a Website 

1. It’s Expected

It’s 2018, so if someone is interested in your business, the first thing they’re going to do is check you out online. An Understanding the Buyer’s Journey report noted that 90% of buyers said that when they’re ready to buy, they’ll find you. If you don’t have a solid digital presence, customers won’t trust your brand. Not only that, but they won’t be able to find the most relevant and up-to-date information about your business. 

2. You Need to Compete

Because websites are expected, if someone can’t find yours, they’ll move on to your competition, and you’ll lose business. The report also noted that 72% of consumers turn to Google to find educational materials, reviews, and testimonials. Take a look at what your competitors are doing on their sites to see what’s working and what isn’t, so you have more background knowledge as you create or update your website.

3. You Need to Show Up in Google Searches

Customers or clients will also look for you in a Google (or another search engine) search. You need a website to even appear in that search, and you’ll need to optimize your site with keywords based on research, content that answers user queries, and responsive and mobile-friendly pages. The higher you rank in a Google search, the more trustworthy you appear to a customer. Not only that, but it gets your name in front of people more frequently.

4. Your Control Your Narrative

It’s impossible to control what people say about you, but you can control what you say. Your website is your platform to control the narrative of your brand. You can keep people up to speed with regular blog posts and announcements, provide informational material to help people better understand your business, respond to feedback, and showcase your company’s strengths.

why your business needs a website

5. It Creates a Resource Center and Showcase

Whether you sell products or offer services, you need a place to (professionally) show off your accomplishments. Not only does it show your successes, but this also provides proof that you’re good at what you do. In addition to showcasing your talents, your website serves as a resource hub. It’s the perfect platform to offer industry updates and advice on your subject matter, and you can provide more in-depth explanations of your services or products.

Creating or Updating Your Website for Improved Brand Awareness

There are a variety of content management systems (CMSs) out there that allow you to make your own website, but it’s not enough to have a pretty website. It needs to be optimized and responsive as well. To ensure that your website is successful, you can work with a professional web design and development team with the knowledge and experience needed to create a site that can compete.

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